

CMP is excited to share video resources to help you learn more about our team and our financial services. Get to know our firm, hear from our clients, learn about retirement benefit plans, how your small business can take advantage of tax deductions and more in the videos below:

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Employee Benefit Plan Audit Services

Gift Taxplaybutton

Dustin Wood on Employee Benefit Plan Audit Services

Employee Benefit Plan, Limited Scope Audits

Employee vs Independent Contractorplaybutton

Tara Williams on Employee Benefit Plan, Limited Scope Audits

Employee Benefit Plan Size Distinctions

Paying Your Childrenplaybutton

Tara Williams on Employee Benefit Plan Size Distinctions

Business Use for Home

Business Use for Homeplaybutton

Do you work out of your home? If so, you could be taking advantage of some key tax deductions. Learn what those deductions are and how you can use them on this year’s tax return.

4 Types of Business Entities

4 Types of Business Entitiesplaybutton

Thinking about starting a new business? Jared Ripplinger shares the 4 types of business entities, how they work, and what industries work best for each.

Automobile Deductions

Automobile Deductionsplaybutton

Does your business own or lease any cars? See how you can take advantage of automobile deductions on this year’s taxes.

Quickbooks Online

Quickbooks Onlineplaybutton

Cody Webb shares his knowledge on Quickbooks Online – from typical users to how to access to how it can save business owners time and money.

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